The bathrooms which were once well-put have now been used to their max. Toilets are falling apart, standing water surrounds them, no soap, and an increase in vaping has caused the downfall of the bathrooms. Another addition is how old the bathrooms are in the older part of the school (A,B,C,D,E, and F halls). With the increase of funds and all of the extra funds we are able to expense, the remodeling of the bathrooms should be a priority.
School funding can be found online and it shows the increase in the school’s money, plus its expenses. From 2021 to 2023 the funding increased by $8.8 million. Luckily DSHS has the luxury of giving students many opportunities such as school trips with the increase in its funding, although we can’t forget about the foundation and sanitation of the school.
If the bathrooms are updated and remodeled, it could potentially stop the harm from students ruining the bathrooms. The increase in students has caused an increase in the ruining of the bathrooms. Many of the toilets, sinks, and doors are broken, so students don’t feel the need to have to take care of the bathrooms. If the bathrooms in the older building were fixed, then it would be easier to catch which students have destroyed the bathrooms. It would also motivate the students to keep the bathrooms clean.
To add onto the positive effects of remodeling the bathrooms, more people can go to the bathroom due to all of the toilets working. Currently 1-2 toilets or sinks per bathroom in the old building do not work, causing traffic and a build up of lines during the passing period. It would also be a greater benefit for students to access the bathrooms during passing period rather than having to leave during class. The increase in students has caused an uprising in necessities from the school, therefore we should remodel the bathrooms to fit the students’ needs.